Assalamualaikum, wr. Wb.
app which I love
Applications that exist today are very much especially useful for
human life. all applications would have been useful for human life, depending
on the users of these applications.
Applications I like that google chrome or internet. why I chose
internet ????? ?. This application is very much useful especially in these
times .With the internet I can find out about things before I do not know, I
asked the application of the internet which we often refer to as google, I call
my grandma because geogle assume "(named champion geogle automatically
assured me that this geogle mbah can know segalahal, both from ancient times
until today,)" but do not forget to find out in the book.
In this internet applications are many things that can be done,
especially in terms of a positive or useful things, with this application we
can access and ask about things we do not know. add insight not only from books
but could of this application.
Actually, many other applications are now - is now widely used, but I
chose the application google chrome, because I already made the Internet a
place of learning may not be formal. many other applications, but I am more
Thank you for your attention.
Wassalamualaikum wr. wb
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